Rain, Rain, Go Away

Sometimes when you are working on a project like we have taken on, time can be your best friend or your worst nightmare.  Thankfully, time is on our side in that we are not having to fix the Martin House for us to move into as our permanent home.

But, with that being said, we don't want to take forever to get the house completed.  May has not  helped us stay on our timeline.  I hate to even say anything about not wanting rain because we know in Texas rain is something we never have enough of.  But May 2021 we got more than our fair share.  

The house leveling company came for the first day of three scheduled work days on May 17th.  It started raining the next day.  On average we got about 11 inches of rain so the foundation repair company couldn't come until the rain stopped and the ground was dry enough to come back.  And because of the rain the company got behind having to reschedule other jobs that they had to keep pushing us back.

Here's how much rain we have had this year in May just to compare to last year:

May 2021 11.63

May 2020  4.51

We also learned that once the company finishes leveling the house we have to wait 90 days before we can do anything on the inside.  It makes sense as to why but ugh, hurry up and wait some more.  The company representative said that they recommend it so the house has time to settle and as a result you won't have to repair a repair.  Now, we will have to adjust our order of projects.

Bear with us.......there is more work to come I can assure you!


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